As Georgetown College approaches its bicentennial celebration in 2029, we recognize the impact of four Kentucky counties on our history. We are giving back by offering a transformational education to the students in Casey, Franklin, Owen, and Scott counties. Through the support of loyal alumni and donors, Georgetown College is proud to offer the Legacy and Legends Scholarship.
What is the Legacy and Legends Scholarship?
- The Legacy and Legends Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship offered by Georgetown College to residents/ high school graduates of four counties in Kentucky. Students from these counties will receive a scholarship equal to the full cost of tuition each year, renewable for four years.
- Students will still be responsible to pay fees, and to pay for food and housing (room and board)
- Students can apply outside scholarships and grants to those remaining costs, including KEES, Kentucky Tuition Grant, PELL, and CAP grants if applicable.
- No additional GC scholarships or grants will be stacked on top of the Legacy and Legends Scholarship. Click here for more details on current costs.
When is the Legacy and Legends Scholarship available?
- The Legacy and Legends Scholarship was first awarded in the fall of 2020 and will be awarded through 2029, the 200th anniversary of Georgetown College
Is there a deadline to apply to GC to receive this scholarship?
Yes! We require all interested students to apply by February 1 in order to receive the Legacy and Legends scholarship.
Who is eligible to receive the Legacy and Legends Scholarship?
- Admitted incoming first-time freshmen students from Casey, Franklin, Owen, and Scott Counties. Students can not have attended a college elsewhere prior to enrolling at GC.
- Students must have either lived in one of these counties for the year before they enroll at GC, or have graduated and attended their entire senior year from one of the high schools in these counties.
- Students are encouraged to live on campus and must be full-time students, taking at least 12 credit hours, to be eligible to receive the Legacy and Legends Scholarship.
- To continue to receive the Legacy and Legends Scholarship, students must be continually enrolled as full-time, residential students in good standing at GC.
- Good standing is defined as being a student who is not on probation. While the precise academic requirement changes by class year, a rough guide is that students should stay above a 2.0 GPA.
- Students can not have attended a college elsewhere prior to enrolling at GC.
Is there any way to receive the Legacy and Legends Scholarship while commuting?
- Yes! While we believe it is valuable for students to experience the residential campus experience and all the opportunities it offers, students who meet the requirements for commuting may do so as Legacy and Legends Scholarship recipients.
- If a student is approved to commute, then the normal commuting rules would apply for financial aid, and the Legacy and Legends Scholarship would also be reduced by 25%. The student pays approximately the same in tuition as they would pay in room and board if they lived on campus.
Who can be admitted to GC?
- There is no simple answer to this because Georgetown weighs the GPA more heavily than the ACT such that a high GPA can help to make up for a lower ACT. Very roughly, a student would need a 2.3 GPA (unweighted) and a 19 ACT composite score with at least an 18 in the Math sub score and a 17 in the English sub score to be admitted. Students who are close but fail to meet one or two markers can be considered by a special academic committee with additional materials (such as letters or a writing sample).
- While these are the minimums, we strongly encourage students to aim for at least a 21 on the ACT and a 3.0 GPA, as we have found that these scores (especially the GPA) correlate strongly with success at Georgetown College. The average GPA at Georgetown is just over 3.5, and the average ACT is around 24.
Can students receiving the Legacy and Legends Scholarship compete in athletics or be in Programs of Distinction (such as the honors programs)?
- Absolutely! While students in athletics or the Programs of Distinction will not be eligible to receive additional scholarships beyond the Legacy and Legends, we strongly encourage them to take advantage of these amazing opportunities. Students interested in competing should speak with coaches of those sports to see if they are a good fit, should they come to GC. Students interested in the programs will need to apply and go through the usual admission process for those programs (applications are due in fall and spring for different programs). Learn more at
Who should strongly consider GC over other schools?
- With the exceptional honors programs, we are an excellent fit for academically gifted students.
- Many students excel at GC who are interested in participating in the broader activities made possible at a small campus, including working individually with faculty, athletics teams, intramurals, and student-life activities.
- Academically, we are best known for our pre-medicine, pre-vet, pre-pharmacy, and nursing, and allied health fields, such as exercise science, pre-physical therapy, and pre-athletic training. We are also highly respected for education, psychology, and fields related to business and communication.
- As a traditional, liberal arts college, GC is also well-suited for students interested in the arts and humanities.
- GC is a great fit for students who are still exploring what they want to do. We help students to explore their passions and talents.